Contraceptive pills

Birth control pill - different types, advantages and disadvantages, side effects and how we can help you

The doctors at Dr.Dropin provide guidance in contraception and write prescriptions. They can also insert and remove the parking stick. You are welcome to an appointment with our general practitioners and gynecologists.

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Different types of contraceptive pills

Contraceptive pills with progestin
Birth control pills with progestogen (but without estrogen) prevent fertilization first and foremost by making the mucus in the cervix tougher and thus prevent the sperm from reaching the egg cell. They will also to some extent prevent the egg cell from maturing and thus prevent ovulation.

Mini pills
Mini-pills are very similar to birth control pills without estrogen, but mini-pills do not prevent ovulation and will be a little less safe for that reason. They must also be taken at the same time each day.

Contraceptive pills with progestogen and estrogen
Birth control pills with progestogen and estrogen prevent ovulation, are very safe and provide better bleeding control. But birth control pills will also increase the risk of, among other things, blood clots and cardiovascular disease.

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Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of choosing contraception without estrogen is that you do not have an increased risk of, among other things, blood clots. Birth control pills (both with and without estrogen) can cause less menstrual cramps and also reduced bleeding.

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Side effects when using contraceptive pills

The most common side effects when using contraceptive pills are

  • Headache
  • Sore breasts
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Increased discharge
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Acne
  • Less sex drive

The side effects are worst in the beginning, typically the first 3 months, but if they do not go away, you can consider switching to another contraceptive pill or other contraception.

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Do you want to start or change contraception?

  • Book a consultation in a clinic, via video or fill out our digital form.
  • During the consultation, you will receive information and guidance so that you can start or switch to the contraception that is right for you and your life situation.
  • Get a prescription and pick up the preparation at your nearest pharmacy.
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What is a spiral?

An IUD is a small, T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. It can be hormonal or copper-based and provides long-term contraception for up to 5-10 years, depending on the type

How does a hormonal IUD work?

A hormonal IUD releases small amounts of the hormone levonorgestrel, which thickens the cervical mucus and thins the uterine lining. This prevents sperm from reaching the egg and prevents the egg from attaching to the uterus.

What is the difference between a hormonal IUD and a copper IUD?

A hormonal IUD releases hormones to prevent pregnancy, while a copper IUD uses copper, which is toxic to sperm, preventing fertilization. Hormonal IUDs can also reduce menstrual bleeding, while copper IUDs can make them heavier.

How is an IUD inserted?

En spiral settes inn av en gynekolog under en kort prosedyre på kontoret. Innsettingen kan være litt ubehagelig, men det tar vanligvis bare noen få minutter.

What are birth control pills?

Birth control pills are a type of hormonal birth control that is taken daily to prevent pregnancy. They contain either a combination of estrogen and progestin, or only progestin.

How do birth control pills work?

Birth control pills work by preventing ovulation, thickening the cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching the egg, and thinning the uterine lining to prevent the egg from attaching.

What are the most common side effects of birth control pills?

Common side effects of birth control pills include nausea, headache, weight gain, breast tenderness and mood swings. Most side effects subside after a few months.

What is a birth control patch?

A birth control patch is a small, skin-colored patch that is attached to the skin and releases hormones to prevent pregnancy. The patch is changed weekly

How does the birth control patch work?

The contraceptive patch releases a steady amount of estrogen and progestin through the skin and into the bloodstream, which prevents ovulation and thickens the cervical mucus.

What is a contraceptive injection?

A contraceptive injection is a hormonal contraceptive method that is given as an injection every three months. It contains progestin which prevents ovulation and thickens the cervical mucus.