Advanced skin surgery

At Dr.Dropin you will meet specialists in skin surgery and hand surgery. The plastic surgeons are highly qualified and passionate about offering surgical expertise at a fixed price without surcharge. Dr.Dropin focuses on medical plastic surgery and you will therefore meet plastic surgeons where the focus is on giving you the best possible independent and objective assessment, treatment and follow-up.

See availability

This is what our plastic surgeons can do

At Dr.Dropin at Majorstua, the surgeons can e.g. help you with: Moles and mole removal Skin cancer (w / w transplant) Lipoma (oily skin) Scar corrections Piercing corrections Eyebrows and eyelids Hand surgery Trigger finger Hook finger Carpal tunnel

  • Moles and mole removal
  • Skin cancer
  • Lipoma
  • Scar corrections
  • Piercing corrections
  • Eyebrows and eyelids
  • Hand surgery

Close collaboration between dermatologists and GPs

Våre plastikkirurger er tett integrert sammen med våre hudleger og allmennleger, og vil ofte få pasienter henvist videre fra dem når pasientene ønsker dette. Dette gjelder i tilfeller hvor hudproblemet er mer avansert enn det våre hudleger eller allmennleger selv kan utføre. Dette gjelder for eksempel ved større føflekker som er plassert på sjenerende steder (f.eks. i ansikt) hvor man er særlig opptatt av et godt kosmetisk resultat.

Prices skin surgery

An appointment with a plastic surgeon always starts with the consultation price. This includes examination, advice and guidance. Should any of the treatments below be carried out, the price will be in addition to the consultation price. If you do not make it in time for surgery, the consultation price is lost when you visit again for surgery. You can also come to us for an independent medical assessment if you have had, or wish to have, plastic surgery.

Mole and skin cancer on the body

Mole removal 3 495,–
Removal of skin cancer without a graft 3 495,–

Mole or skin cancer face

Removal of mole/skin cancer without a graft 5 995,–
Removal of mole/skin cancer with graft 11 995,–


Removal of benign tumor in the adipose tissue of the skin

Removal of lipoma and ateroma over 3 cm 9 995,–

Lipoma, oily skin

Surgery - Removal of lipoma 4 995, - ▪️ Removal of benign tumor in the adipose tissue of the skin.

Scar corrections

Correction of piercing damage 3495,–
Correction of scars in the skin 6995,–
Reconstruction of ear lobe 6995,–

Eyebrows and eyelids

Eyebrow lift 9995,–
Removal of excess skin, upper eyelid 13 995,–

Hand Surgery

Carpal tunnel surgery NOK 9995,–
Treatment of trigger finger NOK 9995,–
Treatment of hook finger NOK 9995,–

The plastic surgeons at Dr.Dropin

We are proud of our plastic surgeons at Dr.Dropin who all the way make sure to give patients what they need. Get to know our plastic surgeons better, Nina and Maria!

Dr. Maria Vatne

Professional profile: Specialist in plastic and hand surgery

Education: Specialist education from Haukeland University Hospital, including the burn section and Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet. Continuing education with a master's degree in plastic surgery reconstruction and microsurgery from European school Barcelona in 2017.

Recent work experience: Chief Physician Plastic Surgery Department Rikshospitalet

Areas: Dr. Vatne has extensive experience from hand surgery and plastic surgery from Rikshospitalet. She is particularly interested in hand surgery

Clinic: Dr. Dropin Medical Center, Kirkeveien 60, Majorstuen

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Dr. Nina Oliver

Professional profile: Specialist in plastic and hand surgery

Education: Specialist education from Chelsea and Westminster Hospital London, Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet and University College London.

Recent work experience: Chief Physician Plastic Surgery Department Rikshospitalet.

Areas: Dr. Oliver has long and broad experience as a surgeon specializing in plastic and reconstructive surgery from Oslo University Hospital. She is particularly interested in 3D printing of tissues for use in reconstruction.

Clinic: Dr. Dropin Medical Center, Kirkeveien 60, Majorstuen

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