Fallopian tube examination

Fallopian tube examination (“Aquascanning”, “HysCos”)

At Dr.Dropin Gynecology, you can have it examined whether you have a normal opening through the fallopian tubes.

At fertilization, the sperm will meet the egg as it passes through the fallopian tube. To achieve this, at least one of the fallopian tubes must be open. With IVF, you are fortunately not dependent on open fallopian tubes, so even if it turns out that you have clogged fallopian tubes, you will still be able to get pregnant with your own eggs.

Most people are told that they have a normal opening in one or both fallopian tubes. Should it turn out that you do not have a normal passage, the gynecologist at Dr.Dropin will help you with the way forward.

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What is a fallopian tube examination?

A fallopian tube examination is a medical procedure performed to assess the condition of your fallopian tubes. This can be an important part of the fertility assessment, especially if you have had problems conceiving.

At Dr. Dropin, we offer modern and gentle methods for fallopian tube examination, carried out by experienced gynaecologists.

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Why is a fallopian tube examination important?

The fallopian tubes play a crucial role in reproduction by transporting eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. Blockage or damage to the fallopian tubes can prevent pregnancy. A fallopian tube examination can reveal:

  • Blockages
  • Scar tissue
  • Inflammation
  • Anatomical abnormalities
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How is a fallopian tube examination carried out?

At Dr. Dropin, we use Hysterosalpingography (HSG) to examine the fallopian tubes.

Hysterosalpingography is an X-ray examination where a contrast liquid is injected into the uterus and fallopian tubes. Using a catheter, the gynecologist injects water or gel (contrast) into the uterine cavity via the cervix and, with the help of ultrasound, the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes are imaged. Ultrasound is taken to see if the fluid moves freely through the fallopian tubes.

The fallopian tube examination itself is carried out in the first week after the end of menstruation. A chlamydia test is performed from the cervix prior to the test, to rule out active, untreated infection.

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Preparation for fallopian tube examination

Before the examination, our gynecologist will review your medical history and give you specific instructions. It may include:

  • To avoid pregnancy before the examination
  • Abstaining from sexual activity for a few days
  • Avoiding certain medications
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What can you expect during and after the examination?

For the vast majority, the examination is painless, but you may experience discomfort. Anesthesia is not necessary. The procedure is quick and usually over in a few minutes.

Normal activities can be resumed immediately after the examination. Some experience thin discharge and spotting. There is very little risk of infection, but if you develop a fever or pain in the days following the examination, you must contact a doctor.

Results and follow-up

After the examination, our specialists will review the results with you and discuss any necessary treatment options or further investigations. Our aim is to give you a clear understanding of your reproductive health and support you on the way forward.

In most women, the fallopian tubes are normal and open. Narrow or blocked fallopian tubes can have many causes. Previously experienced long-term chlamydia infection or with endometriosis, there is an increased risk of narrow or blocked fallopian tubes.

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Book an appointment for a fallopian tube examination with Dr. Dropin

At Dr. Dropin, we offer flexible opening hours and easy online booking.

Our experienced gynecologists are ready to help you with your needs.

Order a fallopian tube examination today and take the first step towards a thorough fertility assessment.

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Why should I consider a fallopian tube examination?

A fallopian tube examination is important if you have problems conceiving or have had several miscarriages. It can identify any problems with the fallopian tubes that could affect your fertility.

Is a fallopian tube examination painful?

Most women only experience mild discomfort or cramping during HSG.

How long does it take to get the results?

The results of the fallopian tube examination with ultrasound are usually available immediately after the examination.

Are there any risks with fallopian tube examination?

As with all medical procedures, there are some risks, including infection or reaction to the contrast medium. Our gynecologists will explain all the risks and ensure that you are well informed before the procedure.