Fertility check

Fertility check / Infertility assessment at Dr.Dropin Medical Center

Involuntary infertility - infertility - is something that affects every seventh couple.

If you have had a cohabitation without contraception for one year without becoming pregnant, it is defined as infertility.

Dr. Dropin has gynecologists with a special interest in and knowledge of fertility.

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What is a fertility check?

A fertility check, also known as a fertility test or infertility investigation, is a medical assessment to find reasons why a couple may have problems conceiving.

At Dr.Dropin, we offer a comprehensive fertility assessment for both women and men, with tailored examinations and treatments to help you on your way to achieving pregnancy.

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How can Dr. Dropin help you with fertility assessment?

Dr. Dropin offers:

  • Quick access to specialists in gynecology with extensive experience from involuntary childlessness
  • Modern equipment and recognized methods
  • Personal and empathetic follow-up
  • No referral and time of day
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What does a fertility check include?

Fertility check for women

  • Conversation: about the menstrual cycle, previous pregnancies, and general health.
  • Blood tests: Hormone tests to evaluate ovarian function and ovulation.
  • Ultrasound: To check the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes.
  • Fallopian tube examination: Hysterosalpingography (HSG) to check whether the fallopian tubes are open.
Read more abut fallopian tube examination

Fertility check for men

  • Conversation about general health, previous illnesses, and lifestyle.
  • Physical examination of the genitals.
  • Semen test: Analysis of sperm quality, including the number, motility and shape of sperm cells.
  • Blood tests: Hormone tests to evaluate testosterone levels and other relevant hormone status.
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Infertility investigation couple

If you are a couple and want to be investigated for involuntary childlessness, it is appropriate if you come together to an appointment with the gynecologist by booking 2 consecutive appointments on the same day. This also applies if same-sex couples want children together. Both must be assessed before you can apply further for IVF if applicable.

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Common causes of infertility

In women

  • Ovulation disorders
  • Blockage in the fallopian tubes
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine problems

For men

  • Low sperm quality
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Anatomical problems
  • Infections
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When should you seek a fertility assessment?

Couples who have been trying to conceive for over a year without success, or women over 35 who have been trying for over six months, should consider a fertility check.

Previous medical conditions or symptoms of hormonal imbalances, can also be reasons to seek help earlier.

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What happens next if you have to go on to in vitro fertilization (IVF)?

Based on the findings and wishes of the person/s seeking help, the doctor will be able to refer you to IVF after the necessary investigation has been carried out. The gynecologist is obliged to assess whether all criteria for fertility treatment are met, including an examination of both parties.

The gynecologist at Dr. Dropin will help fill in the standard referral form for IVF and send with all the necessary examinations that have been carried out. A referral to IVF requires a police certificate.

Read more about investigation for IVF at Oslo University Hospital here.

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Where do I take blood samples?

You can take the blood tests at one of Furst's test stations, at the GP's office or at the hospital's laboratory.

This is carried out after you have had a fertility check with one of our gynecologists. Some tests require that you perform them at certain times in the cycle and the gynecologist at Dr. Dropin will plan this with you.

How long does a fertility assessment take?

The investigation can vary in time, but most tests and investigations can be completed within a few weeks.

What happens if there is a cause for infertility?

If a cause is identified, our infertility experts will work with you to develop a customized treatment plan.

Is it possible to receive treatment from Dr. Dropin?

Yes, we offer several treatment options and work with specialists to provide you with the best care.

What is a fertility check?

A fertility check is a medical assessment that evaluates your fertility and identifies potential causes of difficulty in conceiving.

When should one consider a fertility check?

Consider a fertility check after one year of regular, unprotected intercourse without achieving pregnancy, or sooner if over 35 years old.

What does a fertility check for women involve?

A fertility check for women may include ultrasound, blood tests for hormonal levels, fallopian tube examination, and ovulation assessment.

What does a fertility check for men involve?

A fertility check for men typically includes semen analysis to evaluate sperm quality and count, as well as possible hormone tests.