Gjensidige specialist-insurance

  • Medical specialists
  • Clinic or video
  • Post-treatment and follow-up
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What does your insurance include?

With Gjensidige specialist insurance, you get health care from Dr. Dropin medical specialist. The insurance provides a discounted price for all specialist services, which include gynecologists, dermatologists and medical plastic surgery.

Case managers in Gjensidige send a request to Dr. Dropin, and you will be called to arrange an appointment.

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Medical telephone

For questions about physical or mental health, call Dr.Dropin Medical Phone.

Dr. Dropin Medical specialist


  • Konsultasjon
  • Celleprøve
  • Egglederundersøkelse m/u kontrast
  • Oppfølging


  • Kirurgi enkel
  • Kirurgi ordinær
  • Epikutantest
  • Fotodynamisk behandling
  • Svettebehandling
  • Aknepakke
  • Inngrodd tånegl

Medical plastic surgery

  • Hudkreft (m/u transplantat)
  • Arrkorreksjoner
  • Øvre øyenbrynsløft


  • Your doctor refer you to Gjensidige insurance
  • Gjensidige administrator refer your appointment to Dr.Dropin
  • Dr.Dropin Medical Telephone will contact you shortly after and arrange for a consultation with a specialist, and provide you with the necessary informatio
  • You recieve a confirmation SMS when the appointment has been booked